My wife bought herself a new (to us) 1996 Volvo 940 turbo. It has been a good car so far and has proven to be easy to work on. The Mrs. was still in Florida, and I drove up to the NC to buy the car. I was enjoying the good gas mileage and get up and go compared to my truck for about three days when I went to have it inspected. At this
I drove the "new" Volvo down to Florida to pick up the Mrs., my daughter and the 1976 Winnebago.
We drove both vehicles up to North Carolina for some camping and R&R without a hitch (unless you count money spent on fuel; that was a pretty huge hitch) and all was well in the vehicle world for a couple of months. We drove the Volvo back down to Florida in time to spend Christmas with my in-laws and the car was sort of surging while cruising. Not during acceleration, just when at speed. Turns out it was the oxygen sensor and after replacing that and cleaning the mass air flow sensor (MAF sensor) she's been running like a champ. This car gets 31 mpg at 60 mph over long distances. Nice little car.
As far as carpentry work goes, I've had very little, but I've enjoyed the few small projects I've done. I built some floral display cabinets for a store that needed to show fake floral stems in an upright position instead of hanging them upside down on hooks. Here's what I came up with.
Alright, that's all I have for now... good to see ya!