Friday, September 08, 2006

Finally some relief!!

Wow, the past two days have been such a relief I don't know where to start. I'll start with the morning I woke up and it wasn't 82 degrees. The bank clocks were both at 69 degrees. That was wonderful!! Yesterday the temperature never got over 87. I never thought I'd consider that cool, but it was.

I'm now building a replica turn of the century door for the city hall building. I think these guys are wanting to "antique it". That could be fun.

Did I mention how nice and cool the weather's been? Hmmm, I guess I'll wrap this up and wait for MORE non-complaining blog fodder.

1 comment:

Tonia said...

The cooler weather definitely feels better. It has made me look REALLY forward to Autumn!!! I saw the weather last night and it's suppose to be 60 degrees Saturday morning!!! I say, "BRING IT ON!" :)